Submit IdeaDon't change quotes
When the humanizer changes my text I think it shouldn't do anything with the quotes.
Preston#Feature request#Issue report0
AI detector integration
Scan in an AI detector automatically
Admin#Feature request0
plagiarism checker
checking plagiarism within the website and changing it
kerim#Feature request0
latex support asap!
we would like to paste text directly from overleaf, so it would be perfect if your system recognizes all the latex commands and dont touch them and also place them where they meant to be (like \ref \cite )
emrah#Feature request0
We need higher word count plans
We need higher word count plans such as 1M - 5M - 10M or pay as go type of plans. Like 1M minimum and 0.00X $ per word after that kind of deals. Currently the website doesnt compliment institutional users.
Coskun E#Feature request0
Can you open a basic API access so we can use it in our automations
Coskun E#Feature request3
dark mode
adding dark mode helps the users to focus more and it wont damage the eyes more
German Language
Karl E#Feature request0
Can you add A feature where I can turn it into UK english rather then USA english
Can you add A feature where I can turn it into UK english rather then USA english it saves me time as I dont have to keep going over it again and again
Jay#Feature request0
Ability to add more words in bulk
Currently it won't work with upto 100k words in one hit. While this may seem excessive, if you implement the 1m or 5m montly limit, you will need to give us the ability to add a lot more words and have them processed in one go
Paul#Feature request0